Practice Areas Overview

Matthews, Shiels, Knott, Eden, Davis & Beanland, L.L.P.’s mission is to provide legal services which result in an economic benefit to the client. Thus, much of what the Firm’s practice entails is “preventive medicine”, providing legal advice to clients in an effort to minimize future disputes and maximize for the client the benefit of prospective transactions and business arrangements. For example, our belief is that a well drafted contract is much less expensive (in terms of legal fees) than the defense or prosecution of a lawsuit arising out of a quickly or poorly drafted contract.

If a dispute arises, the Firm’s first effort is to attempt to determine how to most quickly, economically and beneficially resolve the dispute. If that means an appropriate, economically reasonable, settlement at the outset, then that course will be pursued. If a matter of principle, policy or deterrence against future claims is an issue, the Firm will vigorously prosecute or defend the claim, as the case may be. In all litigation matters, the Firm works to identify the client’s desires and goals, and then devises a strategy to accomplish those driving motivations. The Firm strives to always serve the client’s best interest by providing attentive and effective legal representation at a reasonable cost.

Primary areas in which the firm’s lawyers represent clients include the following: